Monday, January 29, 2007

The Beginning

I'm new at this, which you can obviously see by this first post. I made this blog for a number of reasons...perhaps you'll come to see them fulfilled. First and foremost, I feel that I need to get thoughts out. Letting them sit alone in my head does little good for myself or anybody else. I have no great expectations of this experiment becoming vastly popular, or of even gaining more than a single reader. However, just talking, even if it's to myself might do some good....might prompt some thought...might change a life. One never does really know; after all I do subscribe to the butterfly effect.

You know, on second thought maybe there was only one reason for me to make this. One fully unselfish reason that is. You see, I'm a jealous person. I envy those who can express their innermost thoughts with the utmost ease. Perhaps it's that I need a larger vocabulary...not bigger words, just better ones. However, if I'm lucky what I need is practice. My inspiration is a person who goes by many names and has enough thoughts to fill each one of them. I fully recommend his blog to anybody who has stumbled (or perhaps more than stumbled) across this one. You may find him here


Anonymous said...

Well look at the bright side.

You've fulfilled your one reader quota.


I am flattered.

Syrma said...

Hey, guess what?

Three :D