Monday, March 12, 2007

The "calm" before

As the movie rolled, they didn't notice the shadowy figure slip inside. The intruder carried a bundle in one arm and stayed in the prevailing darkness until the conclusion.

As the film drew to a close, Prime looked leisurely about and noticed that there was a visitor. This wasn't unusual following a movie, people tended to appear all the time during them. He called out the usual greeting.

"Welcome to Conscious Thought. Please state your name and business."

"You already know me" came the reply with a sneer.

The others began to stir even before the figure stepped out of the shadows.

Prime, seated by Order and Reason would have nothing of that in their presence. He repeated himself icily "Please state your name and your business"

Leisurely the figure came into full view to face his audience

"And as you already know, I have no name." He looked indignantly across the room. "Some of you" he said looking to Order, Reason, and Intellect in turn" might try to call me envy, or wistfulness, or perhaps longing. The last might be the closest, but I am none of those. You've dealt with them before, they're easier to keep locked away then I am. They can be kept from causing trouble...

However, as you see I'm impossible to keep out... at least under the current circumstances. You've all deceived yourselves. No matter how carefully you hide me, no matter how tightly you seal this realm, I'll find a way in."

Anger and Frustration shifted in their seats. Calm put up a pacifying hand.

Glancing briefly at the two, he continued.

"I know you all feel it. You've been oppressed by your oh-so-wise rulers. They've kept you at bay Freedom and Spirit, along with Impulse and Intuition. Look to your leaders. They're corrupting your Wisdom in his youth. Let the kid know all of you if he's to turn out true."

Those who had been mentioned shuffled in their corner, while Wisdom stared at his toes.

"That's quite enough!" barked Prime. We've only just established this peace and balance and now you're threatening it again!? We may not be able to keep you out, but we'll not give you any heed! Please leave now!"

"Oh, but I don't plan on it this time" he sneered again "I see what others can't. For example, that Fear is cowering behind your desks Reason, Order, Habit, Logic, and even yours, Patience. You've abused your functions, overstepped your bounds and I'm here to make sure this doesn't continue." He sat down in an empty chair.

"You can't sit there!" clamored Order "That seat has been reserved since birth!"

"Oh can't I?" came the response "Have you already forgotten who you've reserved it for? Do you remember who this is reserved for by birthright!?" Looking around in scorn, he went on. "Well, I'll tell you" he said as he began to undo his burden, the small bundle he'd in his arm for the extent.

"This seat belongs to Passion!" and he brought the infant into full view. The room erupted into banter, which was quickly silenced again as the speaker continued.

"Yes, you always thought he'd come in here fully grown and developed, I'm well aware of what you thought. However, you were out of your mind. It won't just happen! Things this precious need to be raised and nurtured before he can take his rightful place and you should have known that!" He rose and placed the babe in his chair. "But because you didn't, I've brought him here from the festering corners of your realm. He is my charge and he is the reason I will not leave."

Arrogance had risen and was now standing with Prime. Seemingly together they roared at their intruder, the war-maker.

"We will have this no longer! Leave the child and go. He may be pure, but you are not and there is no use, nor welcome for you here. There is a peace here, and you won't be disturbing it again!"

Shaking his head, the speaker walked to a seat nobody remembered having seen before.

"You're wrong again, can't you see that's why I'm here? I have supporters here, one's you'll never know" Staring at Reason and company. "Look at the back of this desk. Do you see the "x" on it? The mark of the unknown? Two seats are filled today, this one is mine. But before I take my seat at your 'council', I believe it's time for a change of mind."

At his word, the room was engulfed in chaos. Desks collapsed, the people took up their arms, and pandemonium reigned throughout the Realm.


Anonymous said...

The meaning behind this baffles me, yet I can see it is there.

But, as you've said before you want your readers to take their own meaning from it... so I'll have to think on this for a spell.

Syrma said...

This reminded me of Bender from The Breakfast Club. Like Dom said, it's obscure, but I really like it.

John said...

I think that maybe I needed to write this more for me... it helped me look objectively at my life, therefore it really only has one meaning to me, but of course I leave it up for interpretation.

If you haven't figured it out, it's all a metaphor for my mind. Prime represents my driving thoughts, the others are pieces that influence him. Lots is implied as to how my brain works, take from it what you will

Anonymous said...

I think he's Lust. They say he's impure, but he has a connection with Passion. Additionally, he describes himself best as Longing...

Also much deeper on a second read. Or on a now-I'm-an-English-Major-read.

Which is kind of sad, when you think about it, that I've been going around thinking I know what's "good" and what's "bad."