Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Life Lost

They call me Individual
And so I sit alone
This new warmth reminds me
after all
It was about a year ago
And so
I let my mind take me then again
Let the trees unbud, the rain arise
And there he was again, in front of me

He was just a child, I see that now
Although he didn't say it, I knew
He had lost his life
Or maybe never found it
Either way, he was without

I offered to help and he
He accepted, I'm not sure he should have
He told me about it
Described how it made him laugh, made him cry
And I, having no thought or clue
As where to search
Looked anywhere I could

I must have told my brother
He found the boy
Gave him his life
But soon the boy was gone
The rain fell and somebody else stood where
He had been

This new man and my brother left
And then it was winter
And now again it's spring
And now they call me Individual
And so I sit alone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This feels like a story within a story... absolutely captivating.

I'm ashamed once again for missing the value here.