Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Song Born in Dream - Chart of my Destiny

The winds of habit
The rock we cherished
And what we find
And what we do
We knew this 'soul'
Would never, never
...Me whole

So here am I

And searching I find
The no where I start
Is not on that chart
...of my desity

You found me here
How nice
You brought me only
your vice!
And what'd you think
Would bring me down?
This man you knew is
already beneath the ground!

So here am I
And searching I find
The no where I start
Is not on that chart
...of my desity

1 comment:

John said...

Two things real quick:

1) I rarely remember my dreams so when I do it's kinda a big deal to me. Last night I dreamt of writing a song on my blog... the only big thing I remember is that the refrain had four lines but I kinda tweaked that with what came out when I sat down to try to write it

2) I'm rather unhappy about this post because it's incomplete and I need a while to sort out what's missing. Until then I still want to make it 'public' but with you guys knowing these facts. I'll finish it someday when I can see it more clearly.