Monday, April 16, 2007

Thirty Three

Thirty Three
And now it's Thirty Three
It should have been two
But, no there wasn't enough
Coordination apparently
When two people are shot
And dead
You would think people would react
Rather than move on
But they weren't the ones dead
So that's what they did

Thirty Three
Thirty Three! The insolence!
That a number could hope to represent
Those human lives
These people had names!
Thirty Three raised to infinity
But no, Thirty Three is how
They'll be remembered

Thirty Three
So what?
In the time those 33 were shot
Hundreds of others died
But do we care about them?
People are shallow!
People die, it's what we do best!
Those thirty three fulfilled their
Birth given duty
They had the foresight
To make the time count
One did
He may have not done it in a good way at all
But he left a scar on the earth
That will not in my lifetime fade

Thirty Three
Thirty Three families deserted
Thirty Three potentials erased
Thirty Three churches one emptied
Thirty Three souls in heaven
Or more likely Thirty Two
But who am I to Judge
Perhaps it was only one
Or even none

Thirty Three
Freed spirits, Tell me!
For I always thought
That the 'winds of change' was
A tired platitude
Today the winds howled
Like the mothers
And the Husbands and the Wives
Of those who taught
And were taught
On this cold, cold

Thirty Three!
They have attained immortality
The set, tuner and web
Closed in
Before the skin was cooled
Shocked them into un
And they are forced to live
And they are forced into my life
And this undead army
of Thirty Three
Will change our world

Thirty Three?!
I was there but two days ago!
I must have seen some of their faces
Now they're gone
And I never got to meet him or her far as I know
But I saw them
They were just like me
But for an accident of 6 hours
They could have been me
Or I them
For 6 hours earlier in delivery
I would have been there now
And in thirty three days
I leave my school
For theirs
And in Three months and thirty days
I join


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're okay, John. I'm sorry it had to happen so close to home.

I admire you for posting this. Speaker for the Dead.

They're more than numbers to me.

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless. It's a year later, and you know how these things go. VT is only in the news any more when others try to imitate that horror. The families of those taken are forgotten about, because you know, we're too busy doing other things.
For a second there, I was going to say that we're too distracted by foreign wars to care for our own.
But what about me? What's my excuse? I'm not in the middle of a war, and these people are no closer to my mind then they are to any other "average" American.
But John, as these things fade away, your writing grows all the more potent. This work belongs in the history books.