Friday, March 13, 2009



I remember how I meet people. I met my first good friend on a school bus in Kindergarten. It was funny, we each thought the other was a grade up, and while it might not mean much now, it probably would've precluded any real friendship then. I met another friend in the little league baseball park at a game both our little brothers were in. We were both ignoring said game and playing pokemon. I met you here. I'm honestly not sure when we started communicating outside of the board... I believe it had something to do with a private separate board you were setting up. That's the thing... you always have had some sort of big project you've been working on. I find the quality enviable, honestly. I've had tons of ideas, but always put them on hold for some reason or another. This blog, however (which I owe the idea of to you), is one of the big things that did stick. Sweet!

Ours is an interesting, but more and more common friendship. I remember studying the concept of the 'inner circle' (I forget the actual term) in sociology. One of the criteria was laid out to me as consistent physical presense, and I laughed then and I laugh now at that idea. It should be obvious why.

I suppose I haven't answered any of your questions, generic though they may be =). Classes are, well, classes. You know how those go. Although there is the problem of having a curve in a class of second and third year physics majors. You've already weeded out the people who need it, so why bother failing 10ish percent of us consistently? "Sprink" break has been relaxing, but busy, which is a good way to be in my opinion. I like making bread, and while it always turns out looking great, it tastes incredibly bland. I'm thinking about adding more sugar or salt or oil or maybe letting it ferment longer... dunno. Point behind saying this is because it's what I've spent a decent amount of time on this past week. Oh, and I took some photographs today... I need to buy me a camera.

It's funny, I figured a blog war would be more... warlike? Therefore, (should you choose to accept) I challenge you to the first round of some literary (sans literal) fencing. Tell me something, taking a song title and the title alone as inspiration.

I await your reply,
- John

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